

Commercial project in Bucharest, Romania

Energy Efficiency

The usage of automated functions already save energy in every installation. Especially the usage of KNX has a lot of potential for further energy savings, which can contribute to a better environmental footprint. Be extending KNX to more functions and applications, energy savings of up to 60% can be realised. Thanks to the flexibility of KNX, these functions can easily be implemented in this installation


Smart homes and buildings are always an upgrade in comparison to a conventional installation. Not only automated functions and a higher level of comfort contribute to a higher living standard, but also the possibility to be ready for coming innovations. Thanks to the usage of KNX, the door has been opened to integrate new innovative solutions, using the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control.

Ease of Use

By integrating KNX, we automatically experience a higher energy efficiency and comfort. Furthermore, by the possibility to use further devices, in order to make the usage of the project easier, we can look at further opportunity to even make the whole installation easier in usage.

Applications used

  • Lighting: Switching , Automatic Occupancy Detection , Constant Light Control
  • Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning (HVAC): Central & Automatic Control , Valve Drive Control / Fan Coil Control , CO2 / Humidity Measuring , Natural Ventilation
  • Blind and Shutter Control: Automatic Programs , Wind and Rain Protection , Sun Tracing (interaction with HVAC / lighting)
  • Security and Safety: Smoke/Fire Detection , Interaction with HVAC/Lighting
  • Operation and Visualisation: Web Servers , Tablets and smart phones
  • Energy Management/Smart Metering: Metering , Visualisation , Current Detection , Energy Harvesting (Avoiding use of batteries)
  • Other: Audio Control , Video Control , Home Appliances Control

Customer's description

EFdeN is a solar, energy efficient, sustainable, intelligent house, designed and built exclusively by students for the future communities. It has a greenhouse intended to the “urban farming” concept and which is integrated in the prototype’s HVAC strategy. The functioning of the house is based on both active (i.e: heat pump, PV system, reinforcement BMS) and passive strategies (i.e: PCMs, natural ventilation), the house producing more energy than it consumes.
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